UBS Investment Consulting, UBS Financial Services Group, UBS Investment AG

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Name UBS Investment Consulting, UBS Financial Services Group, UBS Investment AG [kein Bezug zu von der FINMA bewilligten Instituten]
Sitz -
Adresse Postfach, 8098 Zürich
Internet -
Handelsregister (HR) Ohne HR-Eintrag
Bemerkungen UBS Investment Consulting, UBS Financial Services Group und UBS Investment AG sind nicht zu verwechseln mit der UBS AG, Zürich, welche im Schweizer Handelsregister eingetragen und Bewilligungsträger der FINMA ist, oder mit einer anderen Konzerngesellschaft der UBS Group AG.

Il ne faut pas confondre UBS Investment Consulting, UBS Financial Services Group et UBS Investment AG avec la UBS AG à Zurich, inscrite au registre du commerce et qui est un établissement autorisé par la FINMA ou avec une autre société du groupe de la UBS Group AG.

UBS Investment Consulting, UBS Financial Services Group e UBS Investment AG non sono da confondere con la UBS AG, Zurigo, iscritta nel registro di commercio svizzero e in possesso di un’autorizzazione della FINMA, o con una delle altre società del gruppo della UBS Group AG.

UBS Investment Consulting, UBS Financial Services Group and UBS Investment AG are not to be confused with UBS AG, Zurich, which is registered in the Swiss Commercial Register and holds a licence issued by FINMA, or with another group company of the UBS Group AG.